Matter Matters
All of my journeys, regardless of the distances, began with single steps.
Unless those first steps, and all of the additional steps that followed, were purposeful, my journeys may well have become eternally repeated, fruitless cycles of walking in circles.
Without a crystal clear understanding of exactly WHERE I was going, WHY I was going there, WHAT I needed to do to get there, HOW I needed to do it, and WHO I needed to be, would it have been possible for me to have ever arrived at a meaningful destination at all?
Would it have been possible for me to realize my full POTENTIAL?
Would it have been possible for me to truly MATTER or MATTER at all?

Decoding The Message
Intercepting the communication is less than half the battle if you are unable to crack the code.

Telepathy and the challenge of monomathic minds
When did being an efficient and effective ‘jack of all trades’ start becoming a bad thing?

Why Telepathy Is Natural, And Emerging Now
My ability to understand and believe has no bearing on whether something is real. I may simply be holding myself back due to my own lack of comfort.

My father chose his time to die.
Even with his dying breath, he was unable to say “I love you” to his four sons.
Why did I expect him to be able to speak in a language he had never learned?