Matter Matters
All of my journeys, regardless of the distances, began with single steps.
Unless those first steps, and all of the additional steps that followed, were purposeful, my journeys may well have become eternally repeated, fruitless cycles of walking in circles.
Without a crystal clear understanding of exactly WHERE I was going, WHY I was going there, WHAT I needed to do to get there, HOW I needed to do it, and WHO I needed to be, would it have been possible for me to have ever arrived at a meaningful destination at all?
Would it have been possible for me to realize my full POTENTIAL?
Would it have been possible for me to truly MATTER or MATTER at all?

Hint number 7.0: augers are better suited for drilling into the beautiful reality of nature
What happens when the meanings of words change faster than the dictionaries that meaninglessly define them?
How deeply am I willing to drill to find true pearls of wisdom?

Hint Number 4.0: Changing The System May Be As Easy As Pi
What’s more irrational? The number zero, or paying for cosmetic surgery after you’re dead?
Will You Finally Let The Poor, Irrational Numbers Rest In Peace?

Hint Number 1.0: There Are No Formulae In Nature
Did Dogmatic Beliefs keep Einstein from realizing his dream of formulating a viable “Theory of Everything”?
How Do You Formulate Realized Potential?